Green Acres Bliss

In The Country No One Can Hear My Screams

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Irrational Fears and the woodstove

This is stolen from The lovely Ms. Kristy over at Pampers and Pinot
A list of irrational fears!

10. My kids will somehow drown, even in life jackets and calm waters.
9. Any body of salt water. I wont even put my feet in.
8. Oliver will leave. Its a great relationship. Not perfect of course and I know his level of commitment yet the thought lingers.
7. Oliver driving. He has no points on his licence. No tickets in 12 years. Still have to keep my head down
6. Vomit. My kids, me, the dog, anything. I worked in a hospital and handled all forms of bodily fluids. Vomit freaks me out.
5. Bees! This isnt totally irrational but Im not allergic. I know the stings dont hurt that bad but anytime one comes near me I run screaming or lock up completely.
4. Large Bridges. I close my eyes going across one but driving across one makes me nauseous which is bad given my fear of vomit.
3. Raw beef. Poultry doesnt both me as much by the feel and smell of raw beef sickens me. I can eat it cooked though.
2. Touching anything in a public restroom. Taking my kids into a public restroom makes me almost pass out because they JUST.DONT.CARE! I use tissue for everything.
1. Pregnancy. I loved being pregnant both times, and I love my kids. There is no chance Im getting pregnant again. Really, basically physically impossible. Im so afraid that Ive even taken tests.

The wood stove was supposed to be working today. Meaning they were coming to clean the chimney out so we could burn again. Basically we found out that the chimney doesnt meet code in any way. Sooo we might get ride of the wood stove, and use the money from that to convert it BACK into an actual fireplace(which I would prefer).
In any case, the point of the story is that Im not having a fire right now like I thought I would be.
So disappointing.


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