Green Acres Bliss

In The Country No One Can Hear My Screams

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wood Burning Woes

Ive never lived anyplace with a fireplace or wood stove. In fact when I was purchasing a house some 3 years ago, I refused to even look at homes with either because of the crazy hike in homeowners insurance. Plus the fact that I had small kids and was terrified something awful would happen.
So now Oliver and I have one. We spent a week chopping wood to stack outside the back door. Easily one of my least favorite chores, second only to moving leaves.

Now we need to stove cleaned so it can actually be used without burning the house down. Then I need to have a long conversation with the kids about the wood stove rules or before long I'll have a 2 year old trying to add wood to the fire for me. Its getting colder and colder and the house is getting colder and well frankly, Im a crab-ass when Im cold. God bless the men in this house for putting up with me while we wait for the chimney guy.

It will be at least the second week of December before he arrives.

Oliver and I had a long conversation about Christianity in the car this morning. We share very similar core beliefs and both agree that organized religion is a crock. We attend a non-denominational church every Sunday and we have both spent a lot of time studying world religions and were both raised in religious homes, his Catholic, mine Christian Reformed.

I think it began this morning while listening to something on NPR and I pipped up and said I felt bad for Muslims because they as a whole get a bad rap just because like 1% of them are nutty extremists.
Oliver likened it to persecuting all Christians because theres a terribly small percentage who run around bombing abortion clinics.
We concluded together as we pulled in the driveway that perhaps true Christianity is doing the right thing because its the right thing, not because you have a fear of not going to Heaven.

P.S. Have you heard the story of the fig tree in Matthew? Jesus was hungry and pissed off. I mean, I can sympathize but still.....


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