Green Acres Bliss

In The Country No One Can Hear My Screams

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Our Eclectic Thanksgiving

Lets take a quick trip back through time...

My parents divorced when I was in High School. It wasnt shocking, nor was it nasty. Not only were my folks NOT soul mates, they were just nothing alike at all.
Fast forward to every momentous occasion since then(my wedding, the birth of both my children, birthdays, my mothers re-marriage, etc). My parents get along... well even. Even better than that, my step parents get along well too. In fact, I might even consider my mom and stepmom FRIENDS! *gasp*

My mom doesnt really cook. I dont want to knock mom or anything. She cooks some things well, and she bakes wonderfully. But a whole Thanksgiving dinner? Scarey! That first divorced Thanksgiving my sister and I had Pizza Hut on speed dial. Just.In.Case.

So my father in his infinite wisdom(infinite might be a bit of an overstatement) decided that maybe he should just invite my mom to his house for Thanksgiving since we all really wanted to eat his food.
Thus began our eclectic Thanksgiving cast of characters:
All 4 boys
And any other stragglers we can haul in off the streets(no joke)

My mom, stepmom, and Mimi play cards and drink wine and laugh LOUD.
My stepdad watches football and my dad watches too(code for: naps).

Everyone there knows its a little weird for all of us to be together like one big family but we know we are amazingly lucky to have a parents that can get along, even if they cant be married.

So I'm spending the afternoon making Deviled Eggs(I've never had a deviled egg in my life) and key lime no bake cheesecake for another Thanksgiving with these odd people Im thankful to call my family.

Oh and a quick Thank You to Shannon of
The Shanner of Attention for the $25 Khols giftcard I won on her blog!


Totally did not even share about the door to door salesman. I demand an edit and an elaberation!

Your Darling Sister

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